Posted Jul 22, 2011 | Hits: 4088 | Stock No: #1626


Model:   Landing Craft Tank (LCT)
Year:   2003
Length:   43 m


Call for tenders notice issued by the Ministry of Land Development and Housing, responsible for Land Affairs and Town Planning for the sale of two vessels, landing craft tank type (LCT) belonging to the Government of French Polynesia with official registration number PY2070 and PY2071 (length 43.04 metres – width 9.00 metres).

The person responsible for receiving tenders is: Ms. Tania BERTHOU, Director of the Land Affairs Department (Affaires Foncières), BP 114 98713 Papeete Tahiti French Polynesia – Tel: +689 47.19.06 – Fax: +689 47.19.17.

The specific rules for the invitation to tender, the technical specifications and the photographs of the vessels may be seen on the website of the Land Affairs Department (www.affaires-foncieres.gov.pf ou www.daf.pf ).

 They may be sent electronically when requested via electronic mail to Mr. Etienne MAHUTA: etienne.mahuta@foncier.gov.pf

 Any request for further information must be sent via e-mail to Mr. Etienne MAHUTA: etienne.mahuta@foncier.gov.pf

 Any request for the inspection of the vessels must be sent in writing to Mr. Etienne MAHUTA: BP 114 - 98713 PAPEETE, Tahiti French Polynesia or by e-mail: etienne.mahuta@foncier.gov.pf 

Tenders can apply to all or just one of the vessels.

Contact info
Contact Name: Etienne MAHUTA  
Email: contact@lexpol.pf
Address: Land Affairs Department, BP 114
Phone: +9******** Show phone
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