MPP for sale 12.126 mt DWAT

Posted Mar 06, 2014 | Hits: 2005 | Stock No: #5349


blt Kaliningrad 1999 - Ice cl 1B - Isle of Man flag

Geared MPP single/flush tween/liner & feeder type    

12.126 mt DWAT on abt 8,79 m sfb - gt/nt 10.069/4663 - ldt 6094 mt

loa 137,40 m /  beam 21,50 m / depth 11,50 m

15.100 / 14.189 cbm grain/bale

4 holds of which no. 2+3+4 mainly box/doubleskinned

Due to twin hatches, there are longitudinal strongbeams throughout in

the holds. Free access twardsships in holds for stowage/forklifts etc.

Steelfloored/Grainftd/Suitable for grabdischarge/IMO/CO2/El.vent

4 x McGregor hydraulic folding TWIN (steel)hatches:  all dims in meter

 (1) 12,60 x 7,00 x 2 (in tween 1 hatch: 13,2 x 6,6/12,0 )

 (2) 12,80 x 7,75 x 2 (twd: 2 x 13,2 x 5,7/7,75 x 2 )

 (3) 26,40 x 7,75 x 2 - same dims. in tweendeck

 (4) 19,20 x 7,75 x 2 - same dims. in tweendeck

3 CRANES each of 36 mt SWL combi in pairs 70 tons.

Fully fitted for 525 TEU - able abt 415/420 @ 14 mt. 20 Reefer plugs

abt 15 knots on 28 mt IF 180cst RME 25 shaftgen. Bowthruster

eco speed abt 13 on abt 20 mt IF 180cst

Class DNV 1A1 ICE 1B General Cargo Carrier ECO


Next DD/SS due 06/14

Inspectable Vigo 20-22 March, Marina Di Carrera 27-29 March


Sellers idea remain USD 3,85 million net, as brokers would try close to test.

Remind you LDT 6094 mt.


Pleased to hear.


Contact info
Contact Name: Michael Orobator  
Address: 7 Akpakpava road, benin city, edo state, Nigeria
Phone: +2******** Show phone
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